The web store is still in the process of being developed and is updated daily with new products.The web store is still in the process of being developed and is updated daily with new products.The web store is still in the process of being developed and is updated daily with new products.The web store is still in the process of being developed and is updated daily with new products.The web store is still in the process of being developed and is updated daily with new products.The web store is still in the process of being developed and is updated daily with new products.The web store is still in the process of being developed and is updated daily with new products.The web store is still in the process of being developed and is updated daily with new products.The web store is still in the process of being developed and is updated daily with new products.The web store is still in the process of being developed and is updated daily with new products.The web store is still in the process of being developed and is updated daily with new products.The web store is still in the process of being developed and is updated daily with new products.The web store is still in the process of being developed and is updated daily with new products.The web store is still in the process of being developed and is updated daily with new products.The web store is still in the process of being developed and is updated daily with new products.The web store is still in the process of being developed and is updated daily with new products.The web store is still in the process of being developed and is updated daily with new products.The web store is still in the process of being developed and is updated daily with new products.The web store is still in the process of being developed and is updated daily with new products.The web store is still in the process of being developed and is updated daily with new products.The web store is still in the process of being developed and is updated daily with new products.The web store is still in the process of being developed and is updated daily with new products.The web store is still in the process of being developed and is updated daily with new products.The web store is still in the process of being developed and is updated daily with new products.The web store is still in the process of being developed and is updated daily with new products.The web store is still in the process of being developed and is updated daily with new products.The web store is still in the process of being developed and is updated daily with new products.The web store is still in the process of being developed and is updated daily with new products.The web store is still in the process of being developed and is updated daily with new products.The web store is still in the process of being developed and is updated daily with new products.The web store is still in the process of being developed and is updated daily with new products.The web store is still in the process of being developed and is updated daily with new products.The web store is still in the process of being developed and is updated daily with new products.The web store is still in the process of being developed and is updated daily with new products.The web store is still in the process of being developed and is updated daily with new products.
Sedzoša ūdens bāzes krāsa, kas nožūstot paliek matēta un ar piepaceltu reljefu. Krāsa veido izvirzītus punktus, kuru lielumu var viegli mainīt, mainot uzklātās krāsas daudzumu.
Dot Pen krāsa ir vegāniska un viegli lietojama.
Var izmantot uz dažādiem gaišiem un tumšiem materiāliem (papīra, koka, akmeņiem, stikla, porcelāna un auduma, kuram sastāvā ir vismaz 80% dabīgās šķiedras).
Krāsa žūst aptuveni 12-24 h, mazgāšanas noturīga pēc 72h (mazgāt 30°C delikātajā režīmā).