Cyanotype kit.
Cyanotype is a photo development process that produces cyan blue.
It is used for both developing photo negatives and making photograms - transferring different items onto paper/fabric.
The cyanotypy kit consists of two parts:
Part A (potassium hexanoferrate)
Part B (iron ammonium citrate)
With this kit you can make about sixty-five 20 x 25 cm prints on paper and forty-20 x 25 cm prints on fabric.
- Fill both bottles with water and shake properly until the powder has been completely dissolved. Use after 24 hours for better results.
- In low light mix the two solutions into the same proportions (mix as much as you need for the use, the solution is active/stable for 2-4 h when mixed).
- Cover the fabric or paper with solution and allow to dry in the dark.
- When dry, place a photo negative or different objects plants, branches, keys, flat figures, etc.) on the paper/cloth, press them down with glass and place it in the sun or UV light (~ 30 min, depending on the circumstances).
- The printouts are treated in cold water, rinsed for approximately 5 min, and left to dry.
- Within 24 hours, the printout will oxidise into its final version.
- To speed up oxidation, the printout can be submerged in a bathtub filled with water diluted with hydrogen peroxide, then rinse and dry.
- Attention! Avoid getting on the skin and clothing.
- Do not breathe dust! If on the skin, rinse with water for 15 min.